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Please enter your current or last position here.
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Supported file formats: Word, PDF, PPT, jpg, gif, png.
Maximum 10 MB per file and 20 MB in total.
The following formats are possible: png, gif, jpeg, tiff, bmp.
Max. file size: 10 MB.

We assure you that we treat your personal information as confidential. Please first carefully read our Data Protection Statement, which you acknowledge with sending your application:

I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information I provided. I am aware that false information could prevent the offer of a possible employment or apprenticeship contract. I permit Aurubis to save and process my personal data for the purpose of the application process. If you do not agree to the points listed above, your online application cannot be accepted.

I have read the Data Privacy Policy and hereby consent that my personal data that I have provided above may be stored and processed.

In the case that the Aurubis AG can not offer a suitable position at this time, I hereby confirm to store my data for additional twelve month. During this period Aurubis AG and other affiliated companies have access to my data. 
