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Please enter your current or last position here.
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Supported file formats: Word, PDF, PPT, jpg, gif, png.
Maximum 10 MB per file and 20 MB in total.
The following formats are possible: png, gif, jpeg, tiff, bmp.
Max. file size: 10 MB.

Enter a privacy policy text. For configuration, go to Menu → Application portals → Questionnaires → (select questionnaire) → Form

I have read the privacy policy and hereby consent that my personal data that I have provided above may be stored and processed.

In the case that the Aurubis Beerse nv can not offer a suitable position at this time, I hereby confirm to store my data for additional twelve month. During this period Aurubis Beerse nv and other affiliated companies have access to my data. 

I agree that Aurubis forwards my application within the Aurubis Group.
